Ques. Statements
P:All good athletes want to win.
Q:All good athletes eat well. Conclusions
I. All those who eat well are good athletes. II. All those who want to win, eat well.
Op 1: Only conclusion I follows. Op 2: Only conclusion II follows. Op 3: Neither I nor II follows Op 4: Both I and II follow.
Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements
P:Some mobiles are cameras.
Q:Some cameras are calculators. Conclusions
I. All calculators are mobiles. II. All cameras are mobiles.
Op 1: Only conclusion I follows. Op 2: Only conclusion II follows. Op 3: Neither I nor II follows.
Op 4: Both I and II follow. Op 5:
Ques. Statements
P:Some children are adults.
Q:Some adults are not old Conclusions
I. Some children are not old. II. Some children are old.
Op 1: Only conclusion I follows Op 2: Only conclusion II follows. Op 3: Neither I nor II follows. Op 4: Both I and II follows.
Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements
P:Some bags are hot.
Q:All hots are cakes. Conclusions
I. All cakes are bags.
II. Some bags are cakes.
Op 1: Only conclusion I follows. Op 2: Only conclusion II follows. Op 3: Neither I nor II follows Op 4: Both I and II follow.
Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements
P:All doctors are surgeons.
Q:Some chemists are doctors Conclusions
I. Some chemists are surgeons. II. All surgeons are
chemists. Op 1: only conclusion I follows. Op 2: only conclusion II
follows. Op 3: neither I nor II follows Op 4: both I and II follow.
Op 5: Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements
(a)No vest is shirt.
(b)All shirts are jackets. Conclusions
I. All vests are jackets. II. No vest is a jacket.
III. Some jackets are shirts. IV. All jackets are shirts.
Op 1: Only I follows Op 2: Only II follows Op 3: Only III follows
Op 4: Only III and IV follow. Op 5: None follows. Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements
(a)Some officers are honest.
(b)Reddy is an officer. Conclusions
I. Some officers are dishonest. II. Reddy is honest.
III. Reddy is dishonest.
IV. Officer are usually honest.
Op 1: Only I follows
Op 2: Only I and II follows
Op 3: Only II follows
Op 4: None follows
Op 5: All follow
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements
(a)All parks are roads
(b)Some roads are mall. Conclusions
I. All malls are roads. II. All malls are parks.
III. Some parks are malls. IV. No park is a mall.
Op 1: Only I follows
Op 2: Only II and III follows Op 3: Only II or III follows Op 4: Either I or IV follows Op 5: None follows. Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements
(a)No beach is island.
(b)All islands are reefs. Conclusions
I. All beaches are reefs. II. No beach is a reef.
III. Some reefs are islands. IV. All reefs are islands. Op 1: Only I follows
Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follows Op 4: Only III and IV follow.
Op 5: Neither I,II nor IV follows. Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements
(a)All shares are debentures.
(b)No debenture is an equity. Conclusions
I. No equity is a share.
II. Some debentures are shares. III. No share is an equity.
Op 1: Only I follows
Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: All follow
Op 4: Only III follows.
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements
(a)All cities are towns.
(b)Some cities are villages. Conclusions
I. All villages are towns. II. No village is a town.
III. Some villages are towns.
Op 1: Only III follows
Op 2: Only I follows
Op 3: Only II follows
Op 4: None of these
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements
Some ship are boats. All boats are submarines. Some submarines are yatches. Conclusions
I. Some yatches are boats.
II. Some submarines are boats. III. Some submarines are ships. IV. Some yatches are ships.
Op 1: All follow
Op 2: Only II and III follows
Op 3: Only III follows
Op 4: Only either III or IV follows.
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements
X/Y, W * Z, Z + Y
I. W + Y
Op 1: Only conclusion I is true
Op 2: Only conclusion II is true
Op 3: Neither conclusion I nor II is true
Op 4: Both conclusion I and II are true
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statements:
Some marbles are pens.
Some pens are dogs.
Some dogs are doors.
I. Some doors are pens.
II. Some dogs are marbles.
III. Some marbles are doors.
Op 1: All follow.
Op 2: Only II follows.
Op 3: Only I follows.
Op 4: Only III follows.
Op 5: None follows
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements:
J % N, K @ N, T $ K Conclusions:
II. J @ K
Op 1: Only conclusion I is true Op 2: Only conclusion II is true
Op 3: Either conclusion I or II is true Op 4: Neither
conclusion I nor II is true Op 5: Both conclusions I and II are true
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statements:
I % R, C ^ I, C % E Conclusions:
I. C % R
II. R @ E
Op 1: Only conclusion I is true
Op 2: Only conclusion II is true
Op 3: Either conclusion I or II is true Op 4: Neither
conclusion I nor II is true Op 5: Both conclusions I and II are true
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements:
J $ M, N @ R, R % M Conclusions:
I. N % J
II. N % M
III. J $ R
IV. N * R
Op 1: Only I, II, and III are true Op 2: Only I and
II are true Op 3: Only II and III are true Op 4: Only II and IV are true
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements: W @ M, J # M, M * Y Conclusions:
I. Y * W
II. Y @ J
Op 1: Only conclusion I is true Op 2: Only conclusion II is true
Op 3: Either conclusion I or II is true Op 4: Neither
conclusion I nor II is true Op 5: Both conclusions I and II are true
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements
D %H, K * H, H $ R Conclusions
I. K $ R
II. D % K
Op 1: Only conclusion I is true Op 2: Only conclusion II is true
Op 3: Either conclusion I or II is true Op 4: Neither
conclusion I nor II is true Op 5: Both conclusions I and II are true
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements: Some rabbits are deers. No deer is a lion.
All elephants are lions. Conclusions:
I. No rabbit is lion.
II. No elephant is deer.
III. Some elephants are rabbits.
Op 1: All follow
Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follow
Op 4: Only II and III follows
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements:
All files are folders. All folders are boxes. All boxes are drawers. Conclusions:
I. All folders are drawers. II. All boxes are files.
III. All files are drawers. IV. All drawers are folders.
Op 1: Only I and II follow. Op 2: Only I and III follow. Op 3: Only II and III follow. Op 4: All follows
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements: All ducks are pigeons. All pigeons are crows. Conclusions:
I. Some crows are ducks. II. Some crows are pigeons.
Op 1: Only conclusion I follows. Op 2: Only conclusion II follows. Op 3: Either I or II follows.
Op 4: Neither I nor II follows. Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements:
Some metals are minerals. All minerals are solids. Conclusions:
I. All solids are made up of metals and minerals. II. Some minerals are metals.
Op 1: Only conclusion I follows. Op 2: Only conclusion II follows. Op 3: Either I or II follows.
Op 4: Neither I nor II follows. Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements:
Some boys are trees. Some trees are jungles. Some jungles are fruits.
I. Some fruits are trees. II. Some trees are boys. III. Some jungles are boys.
Op 1: None follows
Op 2: Only I follows
Op 3: Only III follow
Op 4: Only II follows
Op 5: All follow
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statements:
Some pens are books. All schools are books. Some colleges are schools.
I. Some colleges are pens.
II. Some pens are schools.
III. Some colleges are books.
Op 1: All follows
Op 2: Only I and II follows
Op 3: Only II and III follow
Op 4: Only I and III follows
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements:
Some buses are houses. All houses are taxis. All rickshaws are taxis.
I. Some rickshaws are houses. II. Some taxis are houses.
III. Some taxis are buses.
Op 1: None follows
Op 2: Only I follows
Op 3: Only II follows
Op 4: Only II and III follow
Op 5: All follow
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statements:
All oceans are rivers. Some springs are rivers. All wells are springs.
I. Some springs are oceans. II. Some wells are rivers. III. Some rivers are oceans.
IV. No well is river.
Op 1: Only either II or IV and III follow.
Op 2: Only either II or IV and I follow.
Op 3: Only either I or III and IV follow.
Op 4: None follows
Op 5: All follow
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements:
Some disciplines are preachers. All preachers are saints. Some saints are not disciples.
I. Some saints are disciples. II. All disciples are saints.
III. All preachers are disciples. IV. No Saint is disciples.
Op 1: No follows
Op 2: Only I follows
Op 3: Only I and III follow
Op 4: Only II and III follow
Op 5: All follow
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statements:
Some buses are rivers.
All rivers are mountains.
Some roads are mountains.
I. Some mountains are buses.
II. Some roads are buses.
III. Some roads are rivers.
IV. Some mountains are roads.
Op 1: All follow
Op 2: Only II, III and IV follow Op 3: Only III and IV follows Op 4: Only I and IV follows Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statements:
K # T, D $ F, T * F Conclusions:
I. K * D
II.D $ T
Op 1: Only conclusion I is true Op 2: Only conclusion II is true
Op 3: Either conclusion I or II is true Op 4: Neither
conclusion I nor II is true Op 5: Both conclusions I and II are true
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements:
A * B, C # B, A ^ F, B @ C Conclusions:
I. C ^ F
II. F ^ B
Op 1: Only conclusion I is true Op 2: Only conclusion II is true
Op 3: Either conclusion I or II is true Op 4: Neither conclusion I nor II is true Op 5: Both conclusions I and II are true
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements: No paper is pen. No pen is pencil.
All erasers are papers. Conclusions:
I. Some papers are erasers. II. No pencil are eraser.
III. No pen is eraser.
IV. ALL papers are erasers. Op 1: All follows
Op 2: Only I and II follows Op 3: Only I, II and III follows Op 4: Only II and III follows Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements: Some rings are phones.
Some phones are computers. Some computers are stations. Conclusions:
I. Some stations are rings.
II. Some phones are stations. III. Some computers are rings. IV. All rings are stations.
Op 1: None follows
Op 2: Only I and II follow Op 3: Only I, II and III follow Op 4: Only II and III follow Op 5: All follow
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements: All rings are birds. Some birds are cages. All cages are kites. Conclusions:
I. All kites are cages. II. Some kites are rings.
III. Some birds are kites.
Op 1: Only I follows Op 2: Only II follows Op 3: Only III follows
Op 4: Only I and II follow Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements: Some dogs are bags. No bag is lion.
All rooms are lions. Conclusions:
I. Some rooms are bags. II. Some dogs are lions. III. Some rooms are dogs.
Op 1: All follows Op 2: Only I follows Op 3: Only II follows
Op 4: Only III follows
Op 5: None of these follows
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statements:
Some farmers are landlords. All landlords are labours. Some labours are merchants. Conclusions:
I. Some labours are farmers.
II. Some merchants are farmers. III. Some merchants are landlords. IV. Some landlords are farmers.
Op 1: None follow
Op 2: Only IV follow
Op 3: Only I follow
Op 4: Both I and IV follows
Op 5: All follow
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Pascal:Programming::Oracle: ?
Op 1: Internet
Op 2: Greek
Op 3: Java
Op 4: Teletext
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Dividend: Shares :: ? : Debenture
Op 1: Bonus
Op 2: Gift Voucher
Op 3: Profit
Op 4: Interest
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Abjure : Adopt :: Forfeit : ?
Op 1: Squander
Op 2: Lavish
Op 3: Redeem
Op 4: Deposit
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Electrical Engineers : Grid :: Cosmologists : ?
Op 1: Group
Op 2: Faculty
Op 3: Galaxy
Op 4: Syndicate
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Monolith : Rock :: ?
Op 1: Continent : Ocean
Op 2: Tor : Lea
Op 3: Grain : Sand
Op 4: Cataract : Waterfall
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Abduct : Kidnap :: ?
Op 1: Pilfer : Steal
Op 2: Derail : Further
Op 3: Jump: Enjoy
Op 4: Clarify : Cuneal
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Conductor : Orchestra : Symphony
Op 1: Judge : Convict : Justice
Op 2: Player : Opponent : Game
Op 3: Author : Book : Magazine
Op 4: Teacher : Class : Lesson
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. NDA: BJP :: ? : Congress
Op 1: UPS
Op 2: PUA
Op 3: UPA
Op 4: NPA
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Confute : Rebut :: Repellent : ?
Op 1: Pusher
Op 2: Attractive
Op 3: Repugnant
Op 4: Spray
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Polygon : Perimeter :: ?
Op 1: Triangle : Angles
Op 2: Circle : Circumference
Op 3: Semi-circle : Arc
Op 4: Square : Area
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Newton : Gravitation :: ?
Op 1: Marie Curie : Uranium
Op 2: Kalpana : Rocket
Op 3: Archimedes : Buoyancy
Op 4: Davies : Safety Lamp
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Income Tax : Direct :: ?
Op 1: Import : Custom Duty
Op 2: Sale Tax : Indirect
Op 3: Export : Subsidy
Op 4: Wealth Tax : Wealth
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Sheaf is related to Corn as …… is related to Books. Op 1: Library
Op 2: Pile
Op 3: Anthology
Op 4: Shop
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Surplus is related to Sufficient as …… is related to Need. Op 1: Gathering
Op 2: Demand
Op 3: Excess
Op 4: Storage Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. Humanitarian is to Altruism what Host is to …… Op 1: Hostage
Op 2: Hospitality Op 3: Service Op 4: Welcome Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Umbrella is to Rain what Goggles are to …… Op 1: Light
Op 2: Glare
Op 3: Beam
Op 4: Sun Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Website : CD : Book
Op 1: They are modern storehouses Op 2: They guide us in moral values Op 3: They can be subscribed
Op 4: They are sources of specific information Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Acceleration : Speed : Velocity Op 1: These denote laws of movement
Op 2: They are a function of Force x Motion Op 3:
They are scientific expression of motion Op 4: All these are forms of
Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. Appeal: Refusal :: ?
Op 1: Obesity: Over-eating
Op 2: Deny : Affirmation
Op 3: Try : Failure
Op 4: Struggle : Victory
Op 5: Examination : Passing
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Vandalism: Property :: ?
Op 1: Implication: Crime
Op 2: Embezzlement: Fraud
Op 3: Perjury: Testimony
Op 4: Malpractice: Cheating
Op 5: Testify: Reputation
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Pain : Misery :: ?
Op 1: Disease : Poverty
Op 2: Despair : Loneliness
Op 3: Ignorance: Confusion
Op 4: Superstition : Peasants
Op 5: Ignore : Greet
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Resting : Fatigue :: ?
Op 1: Poverty : Disease
Op 2: Over-eating: Obesity
Op 3: Gourmet: Underweight
Op 4: Race: Exercise
Op 5: Dieting : Over-weight
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Trilogy : Novel :: ?
Op 1: Rice : Husk
Op 2: Milk : Cream
Op 3: Fabric: Weaving
Op 4: Gun : Cartridge
Op 5: Serial : Episode
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Earth : Grass :: ?
Op 1: Sky: Star
Op 2: Tree: Leaf
Op 3: Scalp: Hair
Op 4: Pond : Fish
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Grain : Field :: ?
Op 1: Patient : Hospital
Op 2: Children : School
Op 3: Steel : Workshop
Op 4: Movie : Picture
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Vehicle : Cart :: ?
Op 1: Country : State
Op 2: Ocean : Sea
Op 3: Man : Child
Op 4: Music : Jazz
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Prodigious : Meagre
Op 1: Sleep : Relaxation
Op 2: Handsome : Beautiful
Op 3: Regard: Honour
Op 4: Exhilarated : Depressed
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Exercise : Fitness :: ?
Op 1: Concern : Care
Op 2: Intimidation : Fear
Op 3: Sensitivity: Poetry
Op 4: Retain : Sustain
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Book: Library :: Animal : ?
Op 1: Domestic
Op 2: Hunter
Op 3: Wild
Op 4: Zoo
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Mundane : Spiritual :: ?
Op 1: Common : Ghostly
Op 2: Worldly : Unworldly
Op 3: Secular : Clerical
Op 4: Novel: Routine
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Myth : Legendary :: ?
Op 1: Sermon : Lengthy
Op 2: Epic : Comic
Op 3: Fable : Didactic
Op 4: Anecdote : Witty
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Manager : Office :: ?
Op 1: Doctor : Patient
Op 2: Curator : Museum
Op 3: Bank : Account
Op 4: Fruit : Seed
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Refine : Style :: ?
Op 1: Paint : Wall
Op 2: Compose : Song
Op 3: Author : Book
Op 4: Retouch : Photograph
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Portfolio : Securities :: ?
Op 1: Bottle : Capsules
Op 2: Carpenter : Furniture
Op 3: Classroom : Students
Op 4: Bridge : River
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Joke : Laugh :: ?
Op 1: Human : Relation
Op 2: Gluttony : Food
Op 3: Pill : Headache
Op 4: Cracker : Explosion
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Bouquet : Flower :: ?
Op 1: Chain : Link
Op 2: Skin : Body
Op 3: Product : Factory
Op 4: Page : Book
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. MATHEMATICS is related to NUMEROLOGY in the same way as ASTRONOMY is related to
Op 1: Science
Op 2: Astrology
Op 3: Philosophy Op 4: Planets Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. REQUEST is related to DEMAND in the same way as WISH is related to Op 1: Crave
Op 2: Reject Op 3: Respond
Op 4: Reply
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. CHURN is related to BUTTER in the same way as DISTIL is related to Op 1: Marinate
Op 2: Meat
Op 3: Pail
Op 4: Wine Op 5: Correct Op : 4
Ques. PUBLICATION is related to LIBEL in the same way as SPEECH is related to Op 1: Liability
Op 2: Slander
Op 3: Attack
Op 4: Information Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out:
Op 1: X-ray
Op 2: Telephone
Op 3: Radio
Op 4: Computer
Op 5: Television
Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Billiards
Op 2: Basket Ball Op 3: Snooker
Op 4: Table Tennis Op 5: Pool Correct Op : 2
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Security Council
Op 2: ICJ
Op 3: General Assembly Op 4: Secretariat
Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: SMS
Op 2: E mail Op 3: MMS Op 4: Log On Op 5: FAX Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Thyroid
Op 2: Prostate
Op 3: Pituitary Op 4: Bile
Op 5: Pancreas
Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Prune
Op 2: Seed
Op 3: Bulb
Op 4: Graft
Op 5: Stem cutting Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Mutation
Op 2: Will
Op 3: Registry Op 4: Deed Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Equator
Op 2: Tropic of Cancer Op 3: Tropic of Capricorn Op 4: Poles
Op 5: Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Molar
Op 2: Canine
Op 3: Enamel
Op 4: Incisors
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Coins : Jingle
Op 2: Bows : Twang
Op 3: Dishes : Rattle
Op 4: Whips : Lash
Op 5: Clouds : Thunder Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Noisy : Menagerie
Op 2: Slender : Gossamer Op 3: Clean : Oven
Op 4: Sharp : Thistle
Op 5: Ripe : Cherry Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Dipsomaniac : Alcohol
Op 2: Anglomaniac : English
Op 3: Scholar : Knowledge
Op 4: Bibliomaniac : Books Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Tiger
Op 2: Leopard Op 3: Fox
Op 4: Wildcat
Op 5: Cougar
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Explain
Op 2: Instruct
Op 3: Teach
Op 4: Train Op 5: Educate Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Parallelism
Op 2: Analogy
Op 3: Similar
Op 4: Likeness
Op 5: Distinct
Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Water
Op 2: Sulphuric acid Op 3: Nitric acid
Op 4: Hydrochloric acid
Op 5: Mercury
Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Africa
Op 2: Australia Op 3: Asia
Op 4: Europe
Op 5: Sri Lanka
Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Litres
Op 2: Grams Op 3: Kilograms Op 4: Tones Op 5: Quintal Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Cubic metres
Op 2: Cubic centimetre Op 3: Litres
Op 4: Gallons
Op 5: Square metres Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Keyboard
Op 2: Roller
Op 3: Tab-set
Op 4: Typeface
Op 5: Typewriter Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Prosperous
Op 2: Well-heeled Op 3: Wealthy Op 4: Poor
Op 5: Comfortable Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Lustre
Op 2: Vividness
Op 3: Intensity
Op 4: Dullness
Op 5: Radiance
Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Mean
Op 2: Proud Op 3: Miserable Op 4: Degraded
Op 5: Grovelling
Correct Op : 2
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Shapeliness
Op 2: Adorn
Op 3: Beautify
Op 4: Conserve
Op 5: Deformity
Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Assert
Op 2: Acknowledge Op 3: Claim
Op 4: Uphold
Op 5: Forswear
Correct Op : 5
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Beefy
Op 2: Stocky
Op 3: Husky
Op 4: Thin Op 5: Brawny Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Manifest
Op 2: Conceal
Op 3: Suppress
Op 4: Implicit
Op 5: Hidden
Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Dutiful
Op 2: Good
Op 3: Mischievous
Op 4: Well-behaved Op 5: Obedient Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Timid
Op 2: Appropriate Op 3: Commendable Op 4: Outrageous Op 5: Decorous Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out: Op 1: Profound
Op 2: Deep Op 3: Shallow
Op 4: Fathomless Op 5: Excess Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out:
Op 1: Solitary
Op 2: Lone
Op 3: Companionable
Op 4: Single
Op 5: Secluded
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out:
Op 1: Base
Op 2: Bottom
Op 3: Foot
Op 4: Zenith
Op 5: Low
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
'About half the Indian population is so poor that they have never used a telephone' - a VN survey.
Courses of Action :
I. People should be provided with telephone sets or
mobiles at low rate. II. They should be given a demonstration as to how
to use a telephone. Op 1: Only I follows
Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
America attacked Iraq despite Security Council's
advice not to do so. Big powers like America are defying the world body
off and on.
Courses of Action :
I. A group of countries should warn USA and take military action if response is not positive.
II. The UNO should be either revamped or disbanded. Op 1: Only I follows
Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
India ranks fifth in the world in potential water
resources. Notwithstanding, there is shortage of water for consumption
and irrigation in almost every part of the country. Courses of Action :
I. We must tend to our water resources like rivers,
lakes, ponds, wells, tanks etc. II. We must harvest rainwater over 70%
of which runs off wastefully.
Op 1: Only I follows Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statement:
The gulf between the rich and the poor is increasing in our country. Courses of Action :
I. This is one of the features of free market economy which is a part of our mixed
economy. None can help it.
II. The government must work earnestly to improve the economic condition of the poor.
Op 1: Only I follows Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
Since its launching in 1981, Vayudoot has so fare accumulated losses amounting to Rs. 153 crore during the last ten years.
Courses of Action :
I. Vayudoot should be directed to reduce wasteful expenditure and to increase passenger fare.
II. An amount of about Rs. 300 crore should be provided to Vayudoot to make the airline economically viable.
Op 1: Only I follows Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statement :
'Despite family planning programmes, the rate of
growth of population in our country is the highest in the world. We are
likely to achieve the dubious distinction of being the most populated
country in the world, by 2045' - a survey.
Courses of Action :
I. The family planning programmes should be abandoned.
II. Those who have more than two children should be forced disincentives like more
tax etc.
Op 1: Only I follows Op 2: Only II follows
Op 3: Either I or II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows Op 5: Both I and II follow. Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement :
Should strikes be banned in essential services?
Arguments :
I. Yes, because strikes disrupt the normal life.
II. No, because it is the democratic right of the people.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong.
Op 2: Only argument II is strong.
Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong.
Op 5: Both I and II are strong
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statement :
Should firecrackers be completely banned in India? Arguments :
I. Yes,firecrackers cause a lot of air pollution and
noise pollution. II.No,this will render thousands of people working in
this industry jobless. Op 1: Only argument I is strong.
Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
Should the reservations given to SC/ST be done away with ? Arguments :
I. Yes, the reservations for SC/ST, etc. were to remain for a period of ten years as per on constitution.
II. No, it will frustrate these classes and lead to social unrest. Op 1: Only argument I is strong.
Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
Some people feel that the rural areas are the only potential markets of the future. Arguments:
I. Yes, the demand of goods and services has stagnated in the cities.
II. No, rural areas will take a long time to develop before they can become a potential market.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
Should space exploration programmes be given up by India? Arguments :
I. Yes, they involve huge expenditure, which can be used towards development
II. No, they are necessary for development, communication , weather forecast and prediction of cyclones etc.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
Should the oil companies be allowed to fix the price of petroleum products depending on market conditions?
Arguments :
I. Yes, this is the only way to make the oil companies commercially viable.
II. No, this will put additional burden on the
retail prices of essential commodities and will cause lot of hardships
to the masses.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong. Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
Should the term for Lok Sabha reduced to four years ? Arguments :
I. No, it would mean more frequent elections and more burden on the national exchequer.
II. Yes, it would make political leaders more conscious towards going to the voters. Op 1: Only argument I is strong.
Op 2: Only argument II is strong
Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong.
Op 5: Both I and II are strong.
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements:
Science is a sort of new agency comparable in
principle to other news agencies. But this news agency gives us
information which is reliable to an extraordinary high degree due to
elaborate techniques of verification and its capacity to survive
centuries. So science should be read with as much interest as we read
news. Assumptions :
I. Science encourages investigative spirit. II. People read news out of interest.
Op 1: Only assumption I is implicit Op 2: Only assumption II is implicit
Op 3: Both assumption I and II are implicit. Op 4: Neither assumption I or II is implicit Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements:
In a recent survey report it has been stated that
those who undertake physical exercise for at least half an hour a day
are less prone to have any heart ailments. Inferences:
I. Moderate level of physical exercise is necessary for leading a healthy life. II. All people who do desk-bound jobs definitely suffer from heart ailments. Op 1: Inference I follows.
Op 2: Only inference II follow.
Op 3: Both inferences I and II follow Op 4: Neither inference I nor II follows. Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statements :
The serious accident in which a person was run down
by a car yesterday has again focused attention on the most
unsatisfactory state of roads.
I. The accident that occurred was fatal.
II. Several accidents have so far taken place because of unsatisfactory state of roads. Op 1: Inference I follows.
Op 2: Only inference II follow.
Op 3: Both inferences I and II follow Op 4: Neither inference I nor II follows. Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements:
"Please engage more workers on the job to avoid the delay", Managing Director tells the Supervisor.
I. Delay is inevitable in most jobs.
II. Output will increase with more number of workers on the job. Op 1: Only assumption I is implicit
Op 2: Only assumption II is implicit
Op 3: Both assumption I and II are implicit Op 4: Neither assumption I nor II is implicit Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements:
The president gave bravery award to nine children.
I. The President gives award only to nine children every year.
II. The evening before the awards, each brave child dines with the President Op 1: Only assumption I is implicit
Op 2: Only assumption II is implicit
Op 3: Both assumption I and II are implicit Op 4: Neither assumption I nor II is implicit Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statements:
The government has decided to reduce the army deployed at India-Pakistan border. Assumptions:
I.The relations between India and Pakistan have improved. II. Troops had been deployed at the Indo-Pak borders.
Op 1: Only assumption I is implicit
Op 2: Only assumption II is implicit
Op 3: Both assumption I and II are implicit
Op 4: Neither assumption I nor II is implicit
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statements:
"We enjoyed ourselves very much in Paris during holidays" Richa told Anita. Assumptions:
I. Richa was in Paris during the holidays.
II. She was accompanied by somene during her visit. Op 1: Only assumption I is implicit
Op 2: Only assumption II is implicit
Op 3: Both assumption I and II are implicit Op 4: Neither assumption I nor II is implicit Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statement :
'Our Y brand mobile phones are best in voice clarity and multiplicity of functions' - an advertisement in Paper A.
Conclusions :
I. Paper A has a wide circulation.
II.People look for voice clarity and multiplicity of functions in a mobile phone. Op 1: Conclusion I follows
Op 2: Conclusion II follows
Op 3: Both the conclusion I and II follow Op 4:
Either conclusion I or II follows Op 5: Neither conclusion I nor II
follows Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement :
Tamarind is a typical tropical tree which needs little water but humid conditions. Conclusions :
I. All tropical trees need less water but more moisture. II. Tropical climate has more humidity.
Op 1: Conclusion I follows Op 2: Conclusion II follows
Op 3: Both the conclusion I and II follow Op 4:
Either conclusion I or II follows Op 5: Neither conclusion I nor II
follows Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statement :
Many people living in communist States shared the
view that ideas were not the real issue. "Capitalism is the exploitation
of man by man", ran an old joke. "Under communism, it is exactly the
I. According to the joke, communism is an exploitation of man by man.
II. Some people in communist States believe that communism was not a great improvement on capitalism.
Op 1: Only conclusion one follows Op 2: Only conclusion II follows
Op 3: Both the conclusion I and II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows
Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statement :
The minimum qualification for this job is graduation
.However the candidates who have appeared for the final year of
graduation can also apply.
I. All candidates who have yet to graduate will be there in the list of selected candidates.
II. All candidates having graduation as their minimum qualification will be there in the list of selected candidates.
Op 1: Only conclusion one follows Op 2: Only conclusion II follows
Op 3: Both the conclusion I and II follows Op 4: Neither I nor II follows
Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
Many Non Government Organisations (NGO's) are engaged in the task of getting social justice to those who are exploited.
I.Social justice is extremely important for people.
II. Government has not been able to bring social justice to people. Op 1: Conclusion I follows.
Op 2: Conclusion II follows
Op 3: Either Conclusion I or II follows
Op 4: Neither conclusion I nor II follows
Op 5: Both conclusion I and II follows.
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statement:
Despite the availability of technology many umpiring decisions in cricket matches are wrong.
I. Umpires do not take the help of the third umpire often.
II. With the current rules, one cannot conclude how long the game of cricket will continue to suffer like this.
Op 1: Conclusion I follows. Op 2: Conclusion II follows
Op 3: Either Conclusion I or II follows Op 4:
Neither conclusion I nor II follows Op 5: Both conclusion I and II
follows. Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statement :
Nearly 25% of drivers who cause accidents are not license holders. Conclusions :
(a)Only experts and trained persons are issued a driving license.
(b)One is allowed to drive even without a driving license.
(c)It is quite easy to get a driving license in India.
(d)Driving does not mix with drinking.
(e)Driving license holders are not drinkers.
Op 1: conclusion a
Op 2: conclusion b
Op 3: conclusion c
Op 4: conclusion d
Op 5: conclusion e
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statement :
In a class of 48 students, 75% are girls and the
rest are boys. Only 50% of the students know swimming. Only 25% of the
remaining take part in extra curricular activities.
Conclusions :
(a)Girls are poor swimmers.
(b)Boys often hesitate in taking part in extra curricular activities.
(c)All the students in the class are good at studies.
(d)The school prefect belongs to this class.
(e)There are many students who are neither swimmers nor they take part in extra curricular activities.
Op 1: conclusion a Op 2: conclusion b Op 3: conclusion c Op 4: conclusion d Op 5: conclusion e Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statement :
"Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains." Aristotle. Conclusions :
(a)All men are in chains.
(b)No one is a slave in the eyes of God.
(c)There are so many restrictions on man's movement.
(d)God has created all people equal but society imposes so many political, social, religious and economic restrictions on them.
(e)Man has so many chains of thought.
Op 1: conclusion a Op 2: conclusion b
Op 3: conclusion c
Op 4: conclusion d
Op 5: conclusion e
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
A large number of students studying in municipal
schools could not pass the Xth std., Board examinations causing
frustraction among the students and their parents. Courses of action:
I. The municipal authority should immediately fill up the teachers' vacancies in the municipal schools.
II. The municipal authority should close down some
of their schools and concentrate their attention on the remaining
schools to improve the condition.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows. Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Either course of action I or II follows. Op 4:
Neither course of action I nor II follows. Op 5: Both courses of action
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
The price of crude oil in the international market
has considerably risen due to the unanimous decision of OPEC members, to
effect cut in crude oil production. Courses of action:
I. Government of India should immediately increase
the price of petroleum products. II. The government should increase the
crude oil production of the domestic oil wells.
III. The government should absorb by using resources in its oil pool. Op 1: Only I follows.
Op 2: Only I and II follow. Op 3: Only II and III follow. Op 4: Only II follows.
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
Due to substantial reduction in fares by different
airlines services large number of passengers, so far travelling by upper
classes in trains, have switched over to airline services.
Courses of action:
I. The railways should immediately reduce the fare structure of the upper classes substantially to retain its passengers.
II. The railways should reduce the capacity of upper classes in all the trains to avoid loss.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows. Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Either course of action I or II follows. Op 4:
Neither course of action I nor II follows. Op 5: Both courses of action
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statement:
The government has decided to withdraw all the
financial assistance it has been providing to the Institutes of higher
learning and has urged them to become self- sufficient.
Courses of action:
I. These institutes should increase the number of students substantially so as to enable them to meet the shortfall.
II. These institutes should rationalise the fee structure and also offer consultancy services to meet the shortfall.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows. Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Either course of action I or II follows. Op 4: Neither course of action I nor II follows.
Op 5: Both courses of action follows.
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
There has been a significant drop in the water level of all the lakes supplying water to the city.
Courses of action:
I. The water supply authority should impose a partial cut in supply to tackle the situation.
II. The government should appeal to all the residents through mass media for minimal use of water.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows. Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Either course of action I or II follows. Op 4:
Neither course of action I nor II follows. Op 5: Both courses of action
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
One of the problems facing the food processing
industry is the irregular supply of raw material. The producers of raw
material are not getting a reasonable price. Courses of action:
I. The Government should regulate the supply of raw material to other industries also.
II. The Government should announce an attractive package to ensure regular supply of raw material for food processing industry.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows.
Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Either course of action I or II follows.
Op 4: Neither course of action I nor II follows.
Op 5: Both courses of action follows.
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
The chairman stressed the need for making education
system more flexible and regretted that the curriculum has not been
revised in keeping with the pace of the changes taking place.
Courses of action:
I. Curriculum should be reviewed and revised periodically. II. System of education should be made more flexible.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows. Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Neither course of action I nor II follows. Op 4: Both courses of action follows.
Op 5: Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
The chairman of the car company announced in the
meeting that all trials of its first product, the new car model 'M', are
over and company plans to launch its car in the marked after six
Courses of action:
I. The network of dealers is to be finalised and all
legal, financial and other matters in this connection will have to be
finalised shortly.
II. The company will have to make plans for products other than the car.
III. The Material, managerial and other resources will have to be in fine tune to maintain production schedule.
Op 1: I and III only Op 2: Only I
Op 3: All the three Op 4: Only II
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statement:
The district administration has agreed to provide necessary infrastructural facilities to the proposed NRI-funded Trust's project of supply of clean water to city 'Z'. Courses of action:
I. The district administration should provide necessary land to the trust by completing due formalities.
II. The district administration should facilitate obtaining electricity and other permission to the trust.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows.
Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Either course of action I or II follows.
Op 4: Neither course of action I nor II follows.
Op 5: Both courses of action follows.
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statement:
The eligibility for appearing for Common Entrance
Test (CET) for engineering in state 'M' is now raised to 60% from
earlier 50% at HSC examination.
Courses of action:
I. Many candidates from state 'M' may not appear for CET this year and may appear from CET examination of other states.
II. At pre-examination screening candidate obtaining less than 60% at HSC will have to be eliminated.
Op 1: Only course of action I follows.
Op 2: Only course of action II follows.
Op 3: Either course of action I or II follows.
Op 4: Neither course of action I nor II follows.
Op 5: Both courses of action follows.
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Should India develop a national water grid including all rivers of the country ? Arguments:
I. No, it is not feasible because we do not have technological knowledge.
II. Yes, because where there is shortage of water ,it can be helped by channelised water flowing.
Op 1: Only agrument I is strong. Op 2: Only agrument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong. Correct Op : 2
Ques. Should the parents who do not send their children to schools be punished? Arguments:
I.Yes, it is the only way to eradicate illiteracy. II. No, why should parents be punished ?
Op 1: Only agrument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong. Correct Op : 4
Ques. Should India produce sophisticated nuclear weapons ? Arguments:
I. Yes,India's enemies are improving their own weapons.
II. No, it will be contrary to our policy to maintain peace in the world. Op 1: Only agrument I is strong.
Op 2: Only argument II is strong.
Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong.
Op 5: Both I and II are strong.
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Should there be a total ban on all tobacco products in India ? Arguments:
I. No, this will render a large number of people jobless.
II. No, the government will lose huge amount of money as it will not be earned by way of taxes on these products.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong. Correct Op : 4
Ques. Should the retirement age of all government employees in India be made 55 years ?
I. Yes, this will help government to offer employment to youth at lower cost and with higher productivity.
II. No, the Government will be deprived of the
expertise of the experienced employees and this will have adverse effect
on productivity.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong. Correct Op : 5
Ques. Should the public sector undertakings be allowed to adopt hire and fire policy? Arguments:
I. Yes, this will help the public sector undertakings to get rid of non-performing employees and will also help to reward the performing employees.
II. No, the management may not be able to implement the policy in an unbiased manner and the employees will suffer due to the high-handedness of the management.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong. Correct Op : 1
Should the admission to professional courses in
India be given only on merit without any concession to any particular
group of students?
I. Yes, this will improve the quality of the professionals as they will be able to complete the courses successfully.
II. No, this will keep large number of socially and economically backward students out of the reach of the professional courses.
Op 1: Only argument I is strong. Op 2: Only argument II is strong. Op 3: Either I or II is strong.
Op 4: Neither I nor II is strong. Op 5: Both I and II are strong. Correct Op : 5
Should all the management institutes in the country be brought under government
I. No, the government does not have adequate resources to run such institutes effectively.
II. No, each institute should be given freedom to function on its own
III. Yes, this will enable to have standardized
education for all the students. IV. Yes, only then the quality of
education would improve.
Op 1: None of the statements is strong. Op 2: Only III is strong.
Op 3: Only I ,II and III are strong. Op 4: Only I and III are strong
Op 5: All the statements are strong. Correct Op : 1
Should trade unions be banned ?
X.Yes, as they create a lot of problem for industrialists.
Y.No, as they take care of the rights of the labour working in the industries. Op 1: Argument 'X' is forceful
Op 2: Argument 'Y' is forceful.
Op 3: Neither 'X' nor 'Y' are forceful. Op 4: Both
'X' and 'Y' are forceful. Op 5: Both "X' and 'Y' are irrelevant. Correct
Op : 2
Should all news be censured by the state in democracy ?
X.Yes, variations in news bring doubts and confusion among people.
Y.No, controlled news loses credibility
Op 1: Argument 'X' is forceful
Op 2: Argument 'Y' is forceful.
Op 3: Neither 'X' nor 'Y' are forceful.
Op 4: Both 'X' and 'Y' are forceful.
Op 5: Both "X' and 'Y' are irrelevant.
Correct Op : 2
Should smoking be prohibited ?
X.Yes, it is wrong to smoke away millions worth of good money.
Y.No, it will throw thousands of workers in the tobacco industry out of employment. Op 1: Argument 'X' is forceful
Op 2: Argument 'Y' is forceful.
Op 3: Neither 'X' nor 'Y' are forceful. Op 4: Both
'X' and 'Y' are forceful. Op 5: Both "X' and 'Y' are irrelevant. Correct
Op : 3
Ques. Statement:
Salary cannot be the only criteria for deciding a person's potential Assumptions:
I. Persons with equal potential are not necessarily paid equally. II. Salary of a person is not linked only with the potential
Op 1: Only Assumption I is implicit.
Op 2: Only Assumption II is implicit.
Op 3: Either Assumption I or II is implicit.
Op 4: Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit.
Op 5: Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
The civic authority has decided that all the
factories located inside the city limit will be shifted outside to
reduce the level of environmental pollution in the city. Assumptions:
I. The pollution level in the city in future may reduce after these factories are shifted outside the city limit.
II. Enough usable land is available outside the city
limit for these factories. III. Many of these factories may shift to
some other smaller town to remain profitable.
Op 1: Only I is implicit.
Op 2: Only I and II are implicit. Op 3: Only II is implicit.
Op 4: Only II and III are implicit. Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
India's economic growth has come at a terrible price of increased industrial and vehicular pollution.
I. Pollution is a part of industrial society.
II. Indian economic growth is based on only industrial growth.
III. A country desires economic growth with manageable side effects. Op 1: Only I is implicit
Op 2: Only II is implicit
Op 3: Only I and III are implicit Op 4: Only III is implicit
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statement:
"We do not want you to see our product in newspaper, visit our shop to get a full view" - an advertisement.
I. People generally decide to purchase any product after seeing the name in the advertisement.
II. Uncommon appeal may attract the customers. III. People may come to see the product.
Op 1: None is implicit
Op 2: Onlyd I and II are implicit Op 3: Only II and III are implicit Op 4: All are implicit
Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. Statement:
The telephone company informed the subscribers
through a notification that those who do not pay their bills by the due
date will be charged penalty for every defaulting day.
I. Majority of the people may pay their bills by the due date to avoid penalty.
II. The money collected as penalty may set off the losses due to delayed payment III. People generally pay heed to such notices.
Op 1: II and III are implicit Op 2: I and II are implicit
Op 3: None of these is implicit Op 4: I and III are implicit
Op 5: All are implicit. Correct Op : 4
Ques. Statement:
The railway authority has decided to introduce two additional super-fast trains between Cities 'A' and 'B' during the vacation time.
I. All the passengers who desire to travel during
vacation time will get a train ticket. II. All other modes of transport
between cities 'A' and 'B' are already overstretched. Op 1: Only
Assumption I is implicit.
Op 2: Only Assumption II is implicit.
Op 3: Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Op 4:
Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Op 5: Both Assumptions I and II
are implicit. Correct Op : 2
Ques. Statement:
The government has instructed all the premier
institutes offering professional courses to reduce the fees by 50
percent and increase the number of students. Assumptions:
I. These institutes may be able to continue providing quality education with less fees and more students.
II. The institutes may continue charging more fees to provide quality education. Op 1: Only Assumption I is implicit.
Op 2: Only Assumption II is implicit.
Op 3: Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Op 4:
Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Op 5: Both Assumptions I and II
are implicit. Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statement:
Use 'X' brand shoes. These are durable and available in all sizes. Assumptions:
I. Some people do not know about 'X' brand shoes. II. Normally, people like durable shoes.
Op 1: Only Assumption I is implicit. Op 2: Only Assumption II is implicit.
Op 3: Either Assumption I or II is implicit.
Op 4: Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit.
Op 5: Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Correct Op : 5
Ques. Statement:
'Please do not wait for me, I may be late, start
taking lunch as soon as the guests arrive.' - a message from a Director
of a Company to his Office managers. Assumptions:
I. Keeping guests waiting is not desirable. II.Lunch may not be ready in time.
Op 1: Only Assumption I is implicit. Op 2: Only Assumption II is implicit.
Op 3: Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Op 4:
Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Op 5: Both Assumptions I and II
are implicit. Correct Op : 1
Ques. Statement:
The government has decided to pay compensation of Rs. 1 lakh to the family members of those who are killed in railway accidents.
I. The government has enough funds to meet the
expenses due for compensation. II. There may be reduction in incidents
of railway accidents in near future.
Op 1: Only Assumption I is implicit. Op 2: Only Assumption II is implicit.
Op 3: Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Op 4:
Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Op 5: Both Assumptions I and II
are implicit. Correct Op : 1
Ques. 256 : 4086 :: ?
Op 1: 225 : 3365
Op 2: 144 : 3032
Op 3: 132 : 3012
Op 4: 160 : 3600
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. 21:51:15
Op 1: 21:31:51
Op 2: 21:36:41
Op 3: 21:51:61
Op 4: 21:91:35
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. 264 : 275 : 385
Op 1: 145 : 253 : 325
Op 2: 143 : 235 : 246
Op 3: 372 : 563 : 736
Op 4: 233 : 343 : 345
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: ADG
Op 2: BEH
Op 3: SUT
Op 4: KNQ
Op 5: CFI
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: STU
Op 2: LML
Op 3: LVW
Op 4: RPL
Op 5: NSW Correct Op : 2
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: XGEZ
Op 2: PCAQ
Op 3: LKIN
Op 4: DWUF Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: REAB
Op 2: SOED
Op 3: WYZE
Op 4: AETF Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 144
Op 2: 168
Op 3: 196
Op 4: 256
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 96
Op 2: 29
Op 3: 79
Op 4: 43 Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 9 - 3
Op 2: 1/2 - 1/8
Op 3: 1/3 - 1/12 Op 4: 24 - 6
Op 5: Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 24 - 51
Op 2: 32 - 13
Op 3: 46 - 20
Op 4: 72 - 45 Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. If CONTRIBUTE is written as ETBUIRNTOC, which
letter will be in the sixth place when counted from the left if
POPULARISE is written in that code ?
Op 1: L
Op 2: A
Op 3: I
Op 4: D
Op 5: Correct Op : 1
Ques. If SHARP is coded as 58034 and PUSH as 4658, then RUSH is coded as Op 1: 3568
Op 2: 3658
Op 3: 3685
Op 4: 3583 Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. If MACHINE is coded as 19 - 7 - 9 - 14 - 15 - 20 - 11, how will you code DANGER
Op 1: 10 - 7 - 20 - 13 - 11 - 24
Op 2: 11 - 7 - 20 - 16 - 11 - 24
Op 3: 13 - 7 - 20 - 9 - 11 - 25
Op 4: 13 - 7 - 20 - 10 - 11 - 25 Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. In a certain code 'HIT BIT NIT' means 'GIT CIT
OIT. What does DIT JIT KIT stand for in that code
language ?
Correct Op : 1
Ques. If STUDENT is coded as RUTE DOS, which word would be coded as RDGPKBQ ? Op 1: SHACKLE
Op 4: SCHOLAR Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. If CABLE = 96372 and RISK = 8415, what word is made by 37265 ? Op 1: TRICK
Op 4: TABLE Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. In a code language STAY is written as 9657
SOUND is written as 92348 and DOT IN is written as 826 74. How would you
write SIT STAND in that language ? Op 1: 967 29348
Op 2: 976 96548
Op 3: 679 92843
Op 4: 796 23984
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. QDXM : SFYN ::UIOZ:?
Op 1: PAQM
Op 2: LPWA
Op 3: QNLA
Op 4: WKPA
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. MOQ : TUX :: ACE:?
Op 1: ILH
Op 2: HLI
Op 3: HIL
Op 4: IHL
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. MPSV : HKNQ :: PSVY :?
Op 1: CIFL
Op 2: LCIF
Op 3: CFIL
Op 4: ICFL
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. FACE: HACE :: BACE :?
Op 1: DACE
Op 2: CASE
Op 3: NACE
Op 4: LACE
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. DFO: GIR :: ?
Op 1: EMK : IRP
Op 2: KME : NPH
Op 3: CDO : EGQ
Op 4: MKI : PRE
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. OQT : FHK :: DFI :?
Op 1: CEH
Op 2: BEH
Op 3: BFH
Op 4: AFH
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. 5: 124 :: 7 :?
Op 1: 342
Op 2: 343
Op 3: 248
Op 4: 125
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. ACE : 135 :: DFG :?
Op 1: 246
Op 2: 642
Op 3: 467
Op 4: 681
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: aaa b FG
Op 2: bbb c GH
Op 3: hhh i MN
Op 4: ddd c HI
Op 5: fff g KL
Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: aaAA eeFF
Op 2: ppQQ uuVV Op 3: llMM qqRR Op 4: rrss wwXX Op 5: ooPP ttUU Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 11, 3, 3, 17
Op 2: 41, 5, 3, 47
Op 3: 71, 7, 3, 17
Op 4: 37, 14, 19, 7
Op 5: 67, 71, 3, 5 Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 24
Op 2: 12
Op 3: 36
Op 4: 27
Op 5: 48 Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 63
Op 2: 45
Op 3: 81
Op 4: 27
Op 5: 38 Correct Op : 5
Ques. 24:90::56: ?
Op 1: 120
Op 2: 122
Op 3: 118
Op 4: 124
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. 7:11::31: ?
Op 1: 33
Op 2: 37
Op 3: 39
Op 4: 42
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. 32:16::8: ?
Op 1: 6
Op 2: 4
Op 3: 7
Op 4: 3
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. 4, 6, 8, 10, ____
Op 1: 11
Op 2: 12
Op 3: 13
Op 4: 14 Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. 2197:13 :: 3375 : ?
Op 1: 11
Op 2: 17
Op 3: 15
Op 4: 9
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. DJ: WQ :: FK :?
Op 1: UR
Op 2: RU
Op 3: PU
Op 4: UP
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. ROM : PMK:: SET: ?
Op 1: QCR
Op 2: UGV
Op 3: RPS
Op 4: TFU
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. TOR : VRQMTP :: DWN: ?
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. JIH : WVU :: GFE : ?
Op 1: TUV
Op 2: RST
Op 3: TSR
Op 4: VUT
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. KPQR : LRTV :: DGHY : ?
Op 1: EIKC
Op 2: ETKC
Op 3: EJKD
Op 4: EHKD
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 246
Op 2: 268
Op 3: 537
Op 4: 369 Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: 10
Op 2: 30
Op 3: 68
Op 4: 128 Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: BD
Op 2: FL
Op 3: JS
Op 4: KV Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out Op 1: ABDC
Op 2: FGIH
Op 3: KLMN
Op 4: QRTS
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out
Op 1: 121
Op 2: 169
Op 3: 225
Op 4: 289
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. From the given choices select the odd man out
Op 1: LDCM
Op 2: TMNU
Op 3: MJIN
Op 4: PLKQ
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. In a certain code language if the word "PERMIT" is coded as TIMREP, then how will you code the word "REJECTION"?
Op 3: NOITECJER Op 4: None of these Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. In a certain code language if the word "FORMAT" is coded as IOUMDT, then how will the word BUSINESS be coded ?
Op 3: DUEKIDQS Op 4: None of these Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. If in a certain code "made" is coded as 1234 and "ream" is coded as 5421, then "dream" is coded as
Op 1: 35421
Op 2: 43512
Op 3: 35412
Op 4: 34521 Op 5: Correct Op : 1
Ques. If in a certain code "xerox" is coded as 52315, "widen" is coded as 46720, then "oxen" is coded as
Op 1: 1623
Op 2: 1520
Op 3: 1420
Op 4: 1523 Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26,_____
Op 1: 35
Op 2: 38
Op 3: 39
Op 4: 37
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. 135, 246, 357, 468,_____
Op 1: 578
Op 2: 577
Op 3: 579
Op 4: 570
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. 23, 68, 113, 158, 203,_____
Op 1: 252
Op 2: 248
Op 3: 242
Op 4: 256
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. 3, 12, 48, 192, 768, _____
Op 1: 2868
Op 2: 2968
Op 3: 3072
Op 4: 3176 Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. 256, 64, 128, 32, 64,_____
Op 1: 128
Op 2: 16
Op 3: 32
Op 4: 256
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. 4, 24, 48, 72, 96, _____
Op 1: 121
Op 2: 120
Op 3: 144
Op 4: 132
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. 2, 6, 30, 210, _____
Op 1: 1680
Op 2: 1800
Op 3: 1890
Op 4: 2010
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Looking at a portrait of a man, Harsh said,
"His mother is the wife of my father's son. Brothers and sisters I have
none." At whose portrait was Harsh looking? Op 1: His son
Op 2: His cousin
Op 3: His uncle
Op 4: His nephew
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Anil, introducing a girl in a party, said,
"She is the wife of the grandson of my mother". How is Anil related to
the girl?
Op 1: Father
Op 2: Grandfather Op 3: Husband
Op 4: Father-in-law Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A boy goes to see a picture and sees a man
sitting to his left and found that the man was his relative. The man was
the husband of the sister of his mother. How is the man related to the
Op 1: Uncle Op 2: Nephew Op 3: Brother
Op 4: None of these Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Mr. 'A' meets Mrs. 'B' B is the father of a
son C and daughter D. E is the mother of A. C is married and has one
son. E is the dauther-in-law of B. How is A related to B?
Op 1: Uncle Op 2: Grandson
Op 3: Son
Op 4: Nephew
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. How is D related to C if A told B that C is
his father's nephew. D is A's cousin but not brother of C. A's father
has one sibling only.
Op 1: Sister
Op 2: Father
Op 3: Niece Op 4: Nephew Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. A is sister of B. C is the father of B. D is the wife of C and E is the father of D. How is E related to B?
Op 1: Uncle
Op 2: Grandmother Op 3: Father
Op 4: Grandfather Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A man starts from a point 'X' and walks 3 km
southwards, then he turns left and walks 6 km. In which direction is he
from the starting point?
Op 1: South-West
Op 2: South-East Op 3: West
Op 4: South Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Siddharth and Murali go for jogging from the
same point. Siddharth goes towards the east covering 4 km. Murali
proceeds towards the west for 3 km. Siddharth tuns left and covers 4 km
and Murali turns to the right to cover 4 km. Now what will be the
distance between Siddharth and Murali?
Op 1: 14 km Op 2: 6 m Op 3: 8 km Op 4: 7 km Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is
sitting next to B, C is sitting next to D, D is not sitting with E who
is on the left end of the bench, C is on the second position from the
right. A is on the right of B and E. A and C are sitting together. In
which position is A sitting?
Op 1: Between B and D
Op 2: Between B and C
Op 3: Between E and D
Op 4: Between C and E Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. Rita, Sita, Gita and Mita went to a dance
party with Tarun, Arun, Varun and Karun. Rita did not dance with Tarun
or Varun, Gita knew only disco dance and Arun and Varun did not know
disco. Mita and Vaun are bitter enemies and won't dance with each other.
Given a choice, Arun won't dance with Mita. Karun's partner is Gita.
Who was Mita's dance partner?
Op 1: Tarun
Op 2: Arun
Op 3: Karun
Op 4: Varun
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. My friend and I started simultaneously towards
each other from two places 100 m apart. After walking 30 m my friend
turned left and went 10 m., then he turned right and went 20 m,then he
turned right again and came back on the road on which he had started
walking. If we both walked with the same speed, what is the distance
between us at that point of time.
Op 1: 50 m
Op 2: 20 m
Op 3: 30 m
Op 4: 40 m Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. A man travels 3 kms to the west, turns left
and goes 3 kms, turns right and goes 1 km, again turns right and goes 3
kms. How far is he from the starting point? Op 1: 7 kms
Op 2: 6 kms Op 3: 5 kms Op 4: 4 kms Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A drives 10 km towards east and turns to the
right hand and drives 3 km. Then he drives towards west (turning at his
right) 3 km. He then turns to his left and drives 2 km. Finally he turns
to his right and travels 7 km. How far is he from his starting
point and in which direction would he be? Op 1: 10 km, East
Op 2: 9 km, North Op 3: 8 km, West Op 4: 5 km, South Op 5: 3 km, South Correct Op : 4
Ques. A player X stands 50 yards away from Y in the
West. He moves 10 yards straight towards South and then turns eastward
going upto 50 yards, while Y also comes down southward and meets X at
the same point. How far is Y from his original position?
Op 1: 50 yards Op 2: 40 yards Op 3: 20 yards Op 4: 10 yards Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Sandhya walks straight from point A to B which is 2 kms away. She turns left, at 900 and walks 8 kms to point C, where she turns left again at 900 and
walks 5 kms to point D. At D she turns left at 90 degree and walks for 8
kms to point E.What is the distance between A and E?
Op 1: 2
Op 2: 3
Op 3: 5
Op 4: 8
Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. Seema told Sanjiv, "The girl I met yesterday at the beach was the youngest daughter of the brother-in-law of my friend's mother." How is the girl related to Seema's friend?
Op 1: Niece
Op 2: Friend
Op 3: Aunt
Op 4: Cousin Op 5: Correct Op : 4
Ques. If A # B means A is father of B; A $ B means A
is mother of B, A @ B means A is sister of B, then how is B related to X
in X $ K # A @ B?
Op 1: Grandson
Op 2: Grand-daughter Op 3: Nephew
Op 4: Data Inadequate Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Introducing Sarita, Meena, said, "She is the only daughter of my father's only daughter". How is Meena related to Sarita?
Op 1: Niece
Op 2: Cousin
Op 3: Aunt
Op 4: None of these Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Pointing to a girl, Arvind said "She is
daughter of the only child of my father," How is Arvind's wife related
to that girl?
Op 1: Daughter
Op 2: Mother
Op 3: Aunt
Op 4: Sister
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 2
Ques. D, the son-in-law of B is the brother-in-law of A who is the brother of C. How is A related to B?
Op 1: Brother Op 2: Son Op 3: Father
Op 4: Data inadequate Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 4
Ques. A man said, "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother". How is the man related to the girl?
Op 1: Grandfather Op 2: Father
Op 3: Father-in-law Op 4: Husband
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 3
Ques. Saroj is mother-in-law of Vani who is sister-in-law of Deepak. Rajeesh is father of Ramesh, the only brother of Deepak. How is Saroj related to Deepak?
Op 1: Mother-in-law Op 2: Aunt
Op 3: Wife
Op 4: Mother
Op 5: None of these
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Kalyani is mother-in-law of Veena who is Sister-in-law of Ashok. Dheeraj is father of Sudeep, the only brother of Ashok. How is Kalyani related to Ashok? Op 1: Mother-in-law
Op 2: Aunt
Op 3: Wife
Op 4: Cousin
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 5
Ques. Pointing to a lady, the man said, 'The son of her brother is the Brother of my wife'. How is the lady related to the man?
Op 1: Mother's sister Op 2: Grandmother Op 3: Mother-in-law
Op 4: Sister of father-in-law Op 5: Natural Aunt
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Mohit said to Neelam, "Your only brother's son is my wife's brother". How is Neelam related to the wife of Mohit?
Op 1: Aunt
Op 2: Mother-in-law Op 3: Sister
Op 4: Cannot be determined Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 1
Ques. Pointing to a photograph of a lady, Mr.
Ahluwalia said, "She is the wife of my son's only brother." How is the
lady related to Mr. Ahluwalia?
Op 1: Daughter
Op 2: Daughter-in-law Op 3: Sister-in-law Op 4: Wife
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 2
Ques. Introducing Sunita, Ankit said, "She is the wife of my mother's only son." How is Sunita related to Ankit?
Op 1: Wife
Op 2: Sister
Op 3: Sister-in-law
Op 4: Data Inadequate Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 1
Ques. Pointing to a lady, the man said, "The son of
her only brother is the brother of my wife." How is the lady related to
the man?
Op 1: Mother's sister Op 2: Grandmother Op 3: Mother-in-law Op 4: None of these Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A girl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is the girl's.
Op 1: Brother
Op 2: Nephew Op 3: Uncle
Op 4: Son-in-law Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. A tourist drives 10 km towards East and turns
to righthand side and takes a drive of another 3 km. He then drives
towards West (turning to his right) another 3 km. He then turns to his
left and walks another 2 km. Afterwards, he turns to his right and
travels 7 km. How far is he from his starting point and in which
direction? Op 1: 10 km East
Op 2: 9 km North Op 3: 8 km West Op 4: 5 km South Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Renuka started walking from her house, she
first walked for 3 km towards west, then she turned towards north and
moved 4 km in that direction. How far Renuka is from her house?
Op 1: 3 km South Op 2: 3 km North Op 3: 5 km West
Op 4: 5 km North-West Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Sunil was facing east. He turns 150o in the clockwise direction and then 145o in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
Op 1: East
Op 2: North
Op 3: South-West
Op 4: South-East Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Gautam was facing North. He walked 40 meters
and turned left to cover 20 mts. He again turned left and walked 40 mts.
How far is he from his original position? Op 1: 20 mt
Op 2: 40 mt Op 3: 60 mt Op 4: 80 mt Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. A puppy was trying to find its mother. It was
facing east and walked for 10 mt. It turned south then and walked
another 10 mt. Then it started walking towards North it walked for 20 mt
and turned west. It walked 10 mt. and moved south for 2 mt. In which
direction is it from the original position and how far?
Op 1: 60 mt north-east Op 2: 10 m north-east Op 3: 8 mt north
Op 4: can't be determined Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. Amar started from point A and walked 10 km East to point B then turned to
North and walked 3 km to point C and then turned
West and walked 12 km to point D, then again turned South and walked 3
km to point E. In which direction is he from his starting point?
Op 1: East
Op 2: South
Op 3: West
Op 4: North Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. From a point Shalu starts walking towards
North and after walking 20 meters, she turns to her right and walks 10
metres, then she turns right again and walks 20 m. Then, she turns to
her left and walks 10 m and finally turns to her left and walks 20 m. In
which direction is she with reference to the starting point?
Op 1: North
Op 2: South
Op 3: North-East Op 4: East
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 3
Ques. Ram starts walking towards East from a point
'S' and after walking 15 m turns to his left and walks 10 m, again he
walks 10 m turning to his left and finally walks 22 m turning to his
left and reaches a point 'Q'. How far and in which direction is he from
the point 'S'?
Op 1: 15 m South
Op 2: 22 m South East Op 3: 12 m South
Op 4: 13 m South-East Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 4
Ques. I walked 20 m towards east from a point 'S'
and then turned right and walked another 20 m. Now I turned to my left
and walked 10 m and turning to my right I walked another 10 m. Finally I
turned to my right and walked 30 m to reach a point 'F'. What is the
shortest straight distance between points 'S' and 'F'?
Op 1: 20 m
Op 2: 25 m
Op 3: 30 m
Op 4: 40 m
Op 5: 50 m Correct Op : 3
Ques. Starting from a point 'M', Hari walked 18
metres towards south. He turned to his left and walked 25 metres. He
then turned to his left and walked 18 metres. He again turned to his
left and walked 35 metres and reached a point 'P'. How far Hari is from
the point 'M' and in which direction?
Op 1: 10 m east Op 2: 10 m west Op 3: 35 m west Op 4: 10 m south
Op 5: None of these Correct Op : 2
Ques. A tourist drives 10 km towards east and turns
to his right hand and drives 3 km.Then he drives towards west (turning
to his right) 3 km. He then turns to his left and drives 2 km.Finally he
turns to his right and travels 7 km. How far is he from his starting
point and in which direction would he be?
Op 1: 10 km East Op 2: 9 km North Op 3: 8 km West Op 4: 5 km West
Op 5: 5 km South
Correct Op : 4
Ques. Karan starts walking towards south. After
walking 15 metres he turns towards north. After walking 20 metres, he
turns towards east and walks 10 metres. He then turns towards south and
walks 5 metres. How far is he from his original position and in which
Op 1: 10 metres East
Op 2: 10 metres South-East Op 3: 10 metres West
Op 4: 10 metres North-East Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Bhavika and Sunaina start simultaneously
towards each other from two places 100 m apart. After walking 30 m.
Bhavika turns left and goes 10m, then she turns right and goes 20 m and
then turns right again and comes back to the road on which she had
started walking. If both Bhavika and Sunaina walk with the same speed,
what is the distance between them at this point of time?
Op 1: 70 metres Op 2: 40 metres Op 3: 10 metres Op 4: 20 metres Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A goes on a picnic and meets a woman B who is the sister of A's wife. How is B related to A?
Op 1: Sister
Op 2: Sister-in-law
Op 3: Borther
Op 4: Brother-in-law
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. How is my mother's sister's brother's wife's child related to me? Op 1: Brother
Op 2: Uncle
Op 3: Cousin
Op 4: Nephew Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. How is A's grandfather's only son's only son's mother's mother-in-law's sister- in-law is related to A?
Op 1: Grandaunt Op 2: Aunt
Op 3: Grandmother Op 4: Mother
Op 5: Correct Op : 1
Ques. A person travels 10 km towards south. He then
turns left and travels 2 km and then turns right and travaels 4 km and
finally travels 2 km towards the east. What is his position (in
horizontal and vertical directions) with reference to the starting
Op 1: 4 km to the east, 14 km to the south Op 2: 14
km to the south, 4 km to the east Op 3: 18 km to the south, 14 km to the
east Op 4: 18 km to the south, 8 km to the east
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Smitha moved a distance of 85 m towards south,
then turned to right and walked for 15 m. She turned right again and
walked 60 m. Finally, she turned right at an angle of 45o and continued walking. In which directions was she moving ultimately
Op 1: South-East
Op 2: North-West Op 3: North
Op 4: North-East Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A watch shows 8.30. If the minute hand points towards east, in what direction will the hour hand point?
Op 1: South-West
Op 2: South-East Op 3: West
Op 4: North-West Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques. After walking 6 kms, I turned right and
travelled a distance of 2 kms, then turned left and covered a distance
of 10 km. In the end I was moving towards the north. Initially, what
direction was I moving in?
Op 1: North
Op 2: South
Op 3: South-West
Op 4: North-East
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. A person travels 12 km in tne southward
direction and then travels 5 kms to the right and then travels 15 kms
towards the right and finally travels 5 kms towards the east .How far is
he from the starting place?
Op 1: 28.5 kms Op 2: 11.5 kms Op 3: 3kms Op 4: 5kms Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. A watch shows 4.30 .If the minute hand points to east, in what direction will the hour hand point?
Op 1: North-West
Op 2: South-East
Op 3: North-East Op 4: North
Op 5: Correct Op : 3
Ques. Rohan is walking towards west .He takes three
turns while walking,all at an (internal) angle of 45 degree towards
right, right and left.What direction is he facing now?
Op 1: North-East
Op 2: South-East Op 3: East
Op 4: West Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Radha is walking towards East.What direction she should not follow if she should walk towards North?
Op 1: Right, Right, Left, Right, Right Op 2: Right, Right, Left, Left, Left Op 3: Right, Right, Right
Op 4: Right, Left, Right, Left Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. If all directions are changed in the manner that north becomes south and vice- versa, then North-West will be:
Op 1: South-East
Op 2: North-East
Op 3: South-West Op 4: None of these Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Neha crawls 10 ft, turns right and crawls
another 10 ft, then turns left two times and crawls 15 ft each time . If
she started crawling in the westward direction , towards which
direction is she crawling now?
Op 1: East
Op 2: South
Op 3: North
Op 4: West Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. What is my father's wife's grandfather's only child's son's daughter to me? Op 1: Aunt
Op 2: Niece
Op 3: Real sister Op 4: Cousin sister Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques. A' is the father of 'B' and 'C' .'B' is the son of 'A' but 'C' is not the son of 'A'.What is 'C's' relation with 'A' ?
Op 1: Daughter Op 2: Son
Op 3: Niece Op 4: Nephew Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. Introducing Leela ,Ram said, "Her father is my mother's only son".How is Leela related to Ram ?
Op 1: Aunt
Op 2: Daughter
Op 3: Mother
Op 4: Sister Op 5: Correct Op : 2
Ques. Pointing to a man, a woman said, "He is the only son of my mother's mother".How is the woman related to the man?
Op 1: Aunt
Op 2: Daughter
Op 3: Niece
Op 4: Sister
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques. If S - T means 'S' is the wife of 'T', S + T
means 'S' is the daughter of 'T' and S / T means that 'S' is the son of
'T'.What will M+J/K means`?
Op 1: K' is the father of 'M' Op 2: M' is the grand daughter Op 3: J' is wife of 'K'
Op 4: K' and 'M' are brothers Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
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